A new technology for hearing sound like you’ve never heard it before.

Overtones are the soul of sound.

Up until now, the physics behind the best cables on the market actually corrupt overtones by misaligning them relative to the original sound wave. This creates minute phase cancellation which add up and destroy the full integrity of the sound, even though you haven’t realized it. 

Enter Sound Transformer®.

Through our revolutionary AUDIO FUSION technology we can actually control the photons creating the magnetic fields in our cables so the overtones are always perfectly aligned with the fundamental. 

This technology recovers the lowest octave of the tone in its full integrity
and brings with it benefits you’ll have to hear to believe:

  • Increased signal strength by up to 6dB!
  • Perfectly aligned transients, which carry most of the information about your sound
  • Beautifully preserved harmonic structure of your recorded instruments and voices
  • Improved stereo image
  • Improved definition
  • Improved response from your volume and pan knobs
  • Clearer phantom centre

You Thought You’ve Been Hearing
Great Sound. You haven’t.

Sound generated in the atmosphere consists of a fundamental and  overtones that are perfectly aligned. Once the sound enters a cable attached to a microphone or instrument as an electromagnetic signal, these overtones become corrupted and new ones are generated that are not perfectly aligned with the fundamental frequency.

Our cables benefit your audio at any stage of the process.

We recommend improving your cables from your interface to your monitors first, so you can hear, for the first time, the full capacity of your speakers.

When used with monitoring, the difference compared to other cables is instantly noticeable.

You will notice an increased level from your speakers by up to 6dB just by swapping your cables. Your stereo image will improve dramatically, and you will unlock the lowest octave that your speaker can produce. Your transients will become faster and clearer, providing better stereo separation, a clearer phantom image, and more clarity overall.

It’s like lifting a blanket from your speakers. This works with any pair of monitors.

The Sound Transformer® Advantage

Original Soundwave

Original soundwave showing the fundamental and overtones combined in perfect alignment, and the resulting waveform with the fundamental and overtones combined.

Soundwave transmitted to your speakers with conventional cables

Now you see the fundamental and overtones misaligned.

This causes signal loss and smearing of the overall clarity of your signal.

As you can see in the graphic, the number of peaks and valleys relative to the original fundamental has also doubled, essentially shifting the base of your signal an octave higher.

Soundwave arriving
at your speakers with


Perfect alignment, resulting in a 3-6dB gain increase, fundamentals clearer than you’ve ever heard before, and overtones representing the true character of the sound while hearing the full extent of your low end for the first time.

A Little Quantum Physics, Anyone?

An electromagnetic field is actually created by the photons constantly being emitted and re-absorbed by electrons in the wire of a cable.

With subtle (or not so subtle) phase differences between the fundamental and its overtones, conventional cables not only cause a loss of signal strength but through phase cancellation and distortion the integrity of the fundamental is being lost as well, causing a shift in its frequency that is an octave higher to the original. Yes, you read that correctly. With conventional cables, you will never hear that lowest fundamental of your recorded instrument.

Sound Transformer® cables solve this issue with proprietary technology and materials that work on the quantum level to manipulate the speed of photons, thereby perfectly aligning the overtone structure to preserve the integrity of sound.

Through AUDIO FUSION the sound waves that are even multiples of each other get aligned and grouped together, creating a stronger, more integrated sound.

Sound travelling through ordinary cables is like a cart being pushed up a hill. Some forces are rocking it from the sides and others are pushing back from the opposite direction. With our technology we align all of these forces so they work together to achieve their goal. This lets the fundamental – for the first time since recorded sound existed – dictate the pitch of the sound, the transients, the overtones, and the full quality of the sound.

Join the revolution now.
Contact us for a demo of the next evolution in sound engineering.