and AUDIO FUSION Technology

Uncompromised Transients

Not just better. Uncompromised.

Through the interaction of the fundamental and the delayed overtones, the transients suffer a lot. Traditional cables try to recover them by using thicker, and more expensive materials, but they are all missing the core concept of AUDIO FUSION, which only our cables can provide. Therefore, no matter how thick, shielded and nicely braided other cables are, they can not provide the same uncompromised transients as Sound Transformer® cables.

Properly transmitted and captured transients result in many positive changes. In reality, most audible changes can be attributed to this one “fix”.

You will instantly hear a lot more clarity in your recordings (and with that less need for mixing) because the transients, which contain 90% of the information of your source, are not smeared or altered during transmission. Your drums will be punchier, playful cymbal hits will become clearer, acoustic guitars more intimate and basses fuller and more intact.

The midrange and treble of the mix will gain a breath of fresh air, almost like adding an exciter to the entire mix. In reality, this is just the result of capturing the full overtone content accurately for the first time. With Sound Transformer® cables you will never need artificial midrange and treble enhancing tools again, because those delicate overtones that carry the sweetness of the sound will not be lost or smeared in the first place.

3-6dB Increase in Signal Strength

When our cables are used with microphones or electronic sound sources, you will notice an increased signal strength of 3-6dB, depending on the source and the class of cable.

This happens because there are no phase cancellations occurring between the fundamentals and the overtones, which in traditional cables, result in a weakened signal.

In reality, you are not really gaining additional decibels, but recovering the original strength of the signal, which is lost when using traditional cables.

Lower Noise Floor

This recovered signal strength also means a lower noise floor, as you won’t have to crank your preamps as much, or boost the output of your synth as much.

While 6dB might not seem like a big deal, the differences add up massively when our cables are used on a full drum set, orchestra, or entire production.

Imagine if you could run your Neve preamps 1-2 clicks lower across dozens of inputs!

An Extra Octave of Low End!

Ok, in reality we are not adding an octave of low end with our cables. Rather, we recover the original bass content that was lost by using traditional cables. As explained on the THE SCIENCE page, the delayed overtones enter a destructive interaction with the fundamental of your signal, which can become so bad that the fundamental becomes shifted by an octave.

By aligning the fundamental with the overtones through AUDIO FUSION, we not only eliminate this issue but create a more intact signal that carries its full weight and potential for the first time. The number of peaks and valleys of the original signal is preserved, and with that the original foundation of the signal as well.


You can try this yourself: Play a sine wave through your monitors (any sine wave you are comfortable with, we recommend one between 200-800Hz) and really listen to what you hear. Chances are, you will hear the original sine wave, but also added to it some upper harmonics that don’t really give a clear impression of what the signal really is. This can become so bad that you clearly hear an added octave to our original sine wave. Now imagine this effect across your entire production.

This is the direct result of the smearing between fundamental and artificially generated overtones in traditional cables, and does not occur with our AUDIO FUSION technology Sound Transformer® cables.

Sharper, Uncompromised Phantom Center

Because of the aligned overtones, the transients of the signal remain uncompromised. With that, the crucial information of each instrument isn’t tampered with. Localisation of individual elements inside a mix become sharper because the overall sound is less smeared.

With the overtones no longer affecting your sound transmission negatively, your speakers are working at their optimum, which also translates into a stronger phantom center.

Kicks, snares, vocals, bass… all tighter, punchier, and seeming like they are coming out of a dedicated center speaker.

More sensitive volume and processing moves.
Faster mixes.

This is an interesting outcome, but with Sound Transformer captured instruments and Sound Transformer powered monitors, small moves during mixing become more noticeable. Whereas before you might have struggled hearing a 0.5dB change with an EQ or just the volume fader, with our cables transmitting the signal to your monitors, these small moves become more obvious.

Of course this is a result of the intact transients and overtone content as well. Mixing simply becomes faster as there is less second guessing during the process.

Less strain on your monitors

Since the overtones are not delayed, the 0, 180 and 360 degree positions of your signal will always be at 0dB amplitude, just like they should be.

This means, that for the first time your speakers will receive real alternating current (AC) and can therefore move comfortably around their neutral resting position. This maximises the frequencies and loudness it is capable of reproducing.

This is not something new being added to your monitors, They will actually be working as intended for the first time.

As mentioned on THE SCIENCE page, there will be no constant “pull” on the membranes of your monitors, thereby letting them work in the most neutral and efficient way.

Potential drawbacks of using Sound Transformer® cables for recording and monitoring :

  • You will not be able to work in another studio that doesn’t have these cables
  • You will want to carry them around with you, asking the assistants of other studios to replace the cables to the monitoring before you start a job
  • You will look like a pretentious prick when you ask a studio to use your “fancy” cables when doing a recording session with you
  • You will encounter a lot of jealousy as other engineers hear the benefits of these cables themselves
  • Likely you will spend a lot more time talking about them than working. This could seriously delay the production process
  • Clients will not understand how your work is so much better than that of others. This will lead to many free drinks and meals as people try to learn your secret, which could have an impact on your health and body weight
  • Flights will become more expensive as you’ll have to carry extra luggage for your cables when you do a job in a far away studio. (The free drinks and meals might compensate for this…)
  • Once you’ve heard music through your monitors with our cables attached, you will find no joy in the monitoring in other studios. Expensive hifi systems will seem lackluster and uninspiring
  • Once you’ve recorded an entire production using our cables, everything you have done before will seem dull and lifeless

This is just the cost of a revolutionary technology. You’ll learn to live with it!;-)…

To quote Morpheus from The Matrix,

“The only thing (we) can offer is the truth”… for the first time in audio engineering.

Don’t believe it?
Contact us for a demo of the next evolution in sound engineering.

Join the revolution now.